Category: Miscellaneous

  • I’m Sorry

    I’m so sorry. I really am.

  • 5 Observations from Sitting in the Hospital

    My last week has been occupied by a lot of sitting in my mom’s hospital room.

  • Drowning

    The door unlocks, and I walk into my kitchen. My eyes scan for that place. The empty spot. The place that’s clutter-free.

  • Thoughts on the Inauguration

    Long, long ago I loved American politics.  I loved the process.  I found the people interesting and sometimes invigorating.  I suppose it goes along with being a history nerd.  Politics and history are so closely intertwined–especially in America. In the last 10 years or so I’ve lost most of that political love.  I still love […]

  • Working Ahead

    Working Ahead

    I knew I needed to work ahead today. It’s not my strong suit. In fact, it generally means I’ll do the work twice to get a pleasing result.

  • Chagrined


    I have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. It’s not like this every year. 2012 seems to be a little extreme.

  • What I do

    What I do

    A short video to let you know some of the things I do at WorldVenture.

  • Snapshots


    Life has been rather hectic. I plan to blog, and then my plans change.

  • Change of Heart

    Change of Heart

    I’m helping with my church’s VBS program this week. I willingly volunteered. Then we had our pre-event meeting.

  • Context


    It’s all about context. Some words send my spine into tingling shudders in one context and tingles of joyful anticipation in another