What I do

A few weeks ago WorldVenture’s Communications department spent some time with me in the TCK debrief.  They got a lot of great footage of the kids, the interns, and some of me, t00.  Later they had me come in and film a few different promos.  Here’s the first one that they’ve released.

Sheryl WV Promo from WorldVenture on Vimeo.

Now you’ve had a glimpse into my summer.  What’s going on in yours?


photo courtesy of mconners on morguefile.com; edited on pixlr.com

7 responses to “What I do”

  1. Sheryl,
    This video is AWESOME! Plus I caught a glimpse of you reading the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane = Happy! 🙂

  2. Love it! Now, if I could just get my mission to do one of these promo videos for me! 🙂

    P.S. The author of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane was my next door neighbor for several years. In fact, she wrote that book in the little house next to mine.

  3. Great stuff, Friend. But, after seeing you on screen, now I miss you more than ever, especially on this tenth anniversary of the ICA ordeal….. Please visit!! Praying for you.

  4. Sheryl,

    What fun to see you in a video — meeting you more– and to learn more about what you do. When I was an MK overseas we had headquarters personnel who prayed for us by name, who sent us mail, and who had committed to caring for us. I still remember the woman who did that for me: Maria B. It makes me smile to think of her intentional care for me.

    Blessings on you this week,
    Jennifer Dougan

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