
It’s all about context.  Some words send my spine into tingling shudders in one context and tingles of joyful anticipation in another.  “Together” is one of those words.

“Get together with the person next to you and pray for ____ (generally something that’s too personal to share with most people I know well)” is one of those unwelcome together phrases.  There are others like, “Together we can make this happen”  or “We can conquer this together” .  When I’m pretty sure that means, “I chose you as my partner in this project because I don’t have a clue and you’re really good at it,”  or “I know YOU can do this and I’ll do something else while WE get credit for it.”  Those are moments when I don’t like together.

But there are “together” times when my heart soars.  When together means my whole family is in one place . . . when the nephews ask if we can play ball together (they’ve given up on my video game skills; they think I’m much more adept at our version of 4 square) . . . when my gobs of my WorldVenture family is together in one place . . . when pieces of my ICA family travel from the four corners of the world to spend a weekend together . . . when a good friend says, “Let’s get together and catch up” . . . those are times when my heart overflows with joy and together is one of the most beautiful words I can imagine.

How do you feel about “together”?  What other words are context dependent in your vocabulary?

photo credit is to one of the amazing members of ICA’s class of ’91 from the reunion . . . I lifted it off BLU’s facebook. It’s one of my favorite together memories from this century that doesn’t include my biological family.


I’m linking up with the Gypsy Mama again today because I need the prompt and she’s just good stuff.  So leave me a comment because you know it makes me happy and shows that we’re in this TOGETHER, and then head over to her site to see what others had to say about “together.”


3 responses to “Context”

  1. Hi Sheryl, I’m visiting from over at the Gypsy Mama! I really liked your thoughts on together. It made me smile. Very thoughtful and I liked the whole “context dependent” idea.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth and Jacqui! I appreciate the visits and your thoughts . . . and compliments. 🙂

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