Category: TCKs

  • “God is a Genius”

    William and Trey and their video are finalists in Sierra Trading Post’s “Share Your Adventure” video contest.

  • Home Alone

    My heart broke as I pondered my former student’s predicament. My heart split a little more as I thought about her high school classmates and how many of them faced a similar situation.

  • A Few Things Learned

    Hello, GoodbyeI’ve learned more than a few things in my two decades of working with Third Culture Kids. I thought you might like to see a sampling of them.

  • “Who Are You From?”

    Often, “Where’s home?” or “Where are you from?” are the most awkwardly answered questions.

  • Genesis

    Every story has a beginning. Some start with, “Once upon a time. . . . ” Others start with, “In the beginning . . . ” My story has many starts, but the one I want to tell today starts with the people in this picture.

  • Headline Worthy

    A solo voyage around the world for a 16 year old is noteworthy, but what of a group of high school students who change not only the world but also eternity?

  • One of the Best Parts

    Working with TCKs has some definite perks. I work with some of the most amazing kids on the planet.

  • We’re Off and Running!

    Today was the first day of the rest of my next 12 weeks. Here are a few things I learned today.

  • Only in TCK World

    I think it’s fair to say the majority of my facebook friends are TCKs. I try to read through as many status updates and other postings on my home page as I can each day. Some days it’s pretty mundane fare. Other days there are definite “Only in TCK World” posts.

  • Diving into the Deep End

    Think of conversation like a pool. It has a deep end, a shallow end, and that middle part that’s only deep if you’re short.