Category: Health

  • Not So Bad After All

    Just a quick update . . . surgery went well and recovery hasn’t been that bad.  I’m still not exactly sure everything that happened—one of the dubious perks of being under general anesthesia.  I know they took 2 polyps, but other than that I’m not sure.  The recovery room nurse was sweet and helpful, but […]

  • O! How I Love the Hospital

    Innumerable thanks for all the encouragement and prayers!  This last week has been better, and I know it is because God is at work and so many of you are helping him.  Thanks for caring! Tomorrow morning (Friday), I will arrive at the hospital at 6 AM for outpatient surgery.  The goal is to remove […]

  • Waiting for the Red Bird

    Struggle seems omnipresent in my life lately.  No matter how much I wish it away, it doesn’t catch on and leave.  My health has been wearing me down—all the doings with my thyroid and now my uterus has jumped back on the bandwagon.  In short they keep growing things they shouldn’t.  My thyroid produces nodules […]

  • When Negative is Positive

    The biopsies weren’t as horrible as I’d imagined, but it’s not something I’d ever volunteer to do again. If you’ve got to, you’ve got to, but . . .

  • Bravery and Grace

    I think bravery must really be grace in action. God doesn’t give us grace till we need it.

  • I am NOT a Pincushion

    Four needle sticks, 1 small bruise and 1 large hematoma later and no one was able to get more than a drop of blood out of me.

  • Exceptional Me

    You know it can’t be good when the doctor is doing the exam and her comments escalate from “crazy” to “insane” to “unbelievable.”

  • Physicals . . . a Health Menace

    Trying to do the adult and responsibly healthy thing, I went to my annual physical yesterday. That may be the last time I put “annual” and “physical” together.

  • More Bits and Pieces of Random Thought

    I always knew I liked being near the ocean, but I didn’t realize how much until I moved here. I’ve never been so landlocked before on such a consistent basis

  • Post-op Update

    Surgery was two hours long, but according to all the medical people I did really well. But how unwell can you do when you’re unconscious?!