Author: Sheryl

  • The Drought is Over . . . I hope

    – discovered Red Tide is real—and a pain – drove the convertible with the top down . . . a lot – ate out more in three weeks than I have in 6 months

  • The Hospital Again

    Once again, I’ve taken up residence in the hospital with a random gastrointestinal junk.  This time it’s pancreatitis.  None of the things that generally cause this are part of my life or body chemistry.  So, it’s a mystery that means lots of sitting waiting, and no food or drink. I vacillate between accepting it as […]

  • Savoring

    For the last few months thoughts of savoring and what it really means have occupied many of my thoughts.  I’ve discovered that I don’t savor enough.  Be it time with friends or doing something I enjoy, a great sunset or a tasty morsel—I tend to race through it. I think I’ve been plagued with the […]

  • Moving on after the Titanic

    Saturday evening I attended the Titanic exhibit and IMAX.  It was well done, very interesting, and more thought provoking than I anticipated.  The thing that got me was that in some ways it was the 9/11 of the day. That idea doesn’t completely transfer—the iceberg had no hostile or malicious intent.  However the idea of […]

  • Random Assortment of Thoughts

    Up and Down . . . that’s how I’ve been feeling lately.

  • Not Leaving on a Jet Plane

    Right now, I’m “supposed” to be in airspace somewhere over Canada on my way to England via Toronto.  Instead, I sit in my living room with a heating pad pressed against my back.  The heating pad back combination is merely a reminder that I’m supposed to be here. Most of the week I was torn […]

  • Further Changes

    I thought I cleared my week to go to Florida; I had no idea I cleared my week to stay in the hospital.

  • Change of Plans

    Yesterday my Mom was admitted to the hospital. She’s in the middle of chemotherapy and the part of her white blood cells that makes her auto-immune system work have decided to take a little vacation.

  • Debriefing, Transition, and Other Happenings

    An amazing, tiring, multilingual, stretching, hilarious wouldn’t trade it week with great kids.

  • Shouldn’t There Be Butterflies?

    I was set up on a date with a nice guy a while ago. We’ve been out a few times. On paper we’re great.