Category: Miscellaneous

  • Zilch

    I’ve got nothing.

  • It’s More Than Just Dance

    One of the exciting parts of my work is that I get to spend time with some of the coolest people in the world. Mallory is one of them.

  • Moving

    Moving is not new to me.  I’ve lived in more than a few places on a couple of continents.  Similarly blogging is not new to me.  A few years ago I started a blog over on Xanga.  It was a great introduction to publishing my thoughts in a public forum.  The habit of forming thoughts, […]

  • Living Now

    My new resolve: live in the now and enjoy the grace of what is.

  • 25 Things You Never Knew You Wanted to Know

    6. My go-to drink at Starbucks is a non-fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte. 15. I love hanging out with my nephews. I’ll even do puzzles and play MarioKart with them. I hate puzzles and I inhale violently at most video games.

  • A Loose Grasp of the Obvious

    When I got home from my three weeks in California, I wanted a piece of toast, some peanutbutter, and a glass of milk before I went to bed.  I was thwarted every time I pushed the lever down to toast the bread.  Every time. Now, my toaster isn’t the world’s most efficient piece of machinery.  […]

  • 10 Favorites from 2008

    A friend asked these questions. Now you all get to see the answers. Lucky you.

  • Ask me!

    If you’re reading this, you need to give me some suggestions about what I should write about or ask me questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

  • A Rose by Any Other Name

    More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Sheryl are female. (Wow. I hope so. Poor guy, whoever he is. I hope his middle name is more masculine than his first name.)

  • So Much and So Little

    Yesterday was probably the worst day of the whole summer. It’s nice to get the worst over with first.