I’ve got nothing.
It’s More Than Just Dance
One of the exciting parts of my work is that I get to spend time with some of the coolest people in the world. Mallory is one of them.
Moving is not new to me. I’ve lived in more than a few places on a couple of continents. Similarly blogging is not new to me. A few years ago I started a blog over on Xanga. It was a great introduction to publishing my thoughts in a public forum. The habit of forming thoughts, […]
Living Now
My new resolve: live in the now and enjoy the grace of what is.
25 Things You Never Knew You Wanted to Know
6. My go-to drink at Starbucks is a non-fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte. 15. I love hanging out with my nephews. I’ll even do puzzles and play MarioKart with them. I hate puzzles and I inhale violently at most video games.
A Loose Grasp of the Obvious
When I got home from my three weeks in California, I wanted a piece of toast, some peanutbutter, and a glass of milk before I went to bed. I was thwarted every time I pushed the lever down to toast the bread. Every time. Now, my toaster isn’t the world’s most efficient piece of machinery. […]
10 Favorites from 2008
A friend asked these questions. Now you all get to see the answers. Lucky you.
Ask me!
If you’re reading this, you need to give me some suggestions about what I should write about or ask me questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them.
A Rose by Any Other Name
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Sheryl are female. (Wow. I hope so. Poor guy, whoever he is. I hope his middle name is more masculine than his first name.)
So Much and So Little
Yesterday was probably the worst day of the whole summer. It’s nice to get the worst over with first.