Author: Sheryl

  • Change of Heart

    Change of Heart

    I’m helping with my church’s VBS program this week. I willingly volunteered. Then we had our pre-event meeting.

  • The Best Reason To Live Overseas

    The Best Reason To Live Overseas

    This is one of the best high school videos I’ve seen in a long time.

  • And So It Begins–Again

    And So It Begins–Again

    Summer began in earnest today.

  • Stories

    My interns started working together and learning each other this week. We’ve started telling stories.

  • The Ugly Part

    The Ugly Part

    This last week has been a blast. Mostly. The part that makes me say, “mostly” is the ugly side of my job.

  • Fitting


    It’s graduation time all around the world . . . at least in MK, TCK, and many international schools. The graduates don’t always realize their identity is about to be called into question over and over and over again.

  • So Where’s Home?

    So Where’s Home?

    This video gives you a glimpse of some TCKs trying to answer the “Where’s Home?” question. There answers are insightful and quite typical of their people group.

  • Cross-eyed on the Interwebs

    Cross-eyed on the Interwebs

    I spend a lot of time reading all over the internet. Some days my browser has so many open tabs that those tabs have shrunk to barely discernible bumps surrounded by arrows on either side of the screen to tell me there are more tabs in hiding.

  • Life’s Golden Snitch

    Life’s Golden Snitch

    A sense of community can be as elusive as the Golden Snitch at a Quidditch match, but most of us are still compelled to seek it.

  • Alexander


    My initial introduction to Alexander happened in chapel during my sophomore year of college. Chuck Colson introduced us.