Author: Sheryl

  • Brain Bubbles

    I realize it has been half of forever since I’ve written.  Since I’m sitting in another training that we’re doing, and my big part is tomorrow, I’ll give you some glimpses of the things that are bubbling to the surface of my brain. I’ve had my knee brace for almost 3 weeks.  What a difference […]

  • Surprise!!!!

    It worked.  I wasn’t sure if it would or not, but it did.  I got to make a surprise visit to my Mom for Mother’s Day. Before I left on my African excursion, I did a little sleuthing and figured out nobody at my office would miss me too much if I was gone the […]

  • Eight Belles vs. Barbaro

    Well, the good news is I’m not a horse!  As idyllic as I thought that would be when I was a kid, I’m currently thankful God didn’t see fit to give me a TOTALLY equine kind of life. And I’m not Eight Belles—no need to euthanize me . . . yet.  I’m more like Barbaro […]

  • All My Bags are Packed . . . Well, Some of Them

    It’s snowing and blowing and cold again in Colorado. It’s pretty, but . . . it has made me even more ready than I already was for African sun. I long for it!

  • The Shack

    If you walk away with some of the big ideas, you can’t help but be reminded of great truth. None of us is perfect, but God is quite fond of each one of us.

  • Lots of Sitting

    Sitting on a series of planes from Colorado to Thailand is a lot of sitting.

  • Sick of Being Sick

    I just got back from the GI doc. I think he’s almost as frustrated as I am.

  • New Bliss

    I live in cold country and my room is the coldest one in the house.

  • It’s Just Not Right

    Good bacteria needs a new name. It’s a little oxymoronic as it is.

  • Gladiola on the Mend

    Yesterday my orthopedic surgeon sliced into my right knee, cleaned out the resident arthritis, and did something to my frayed meniscus.