Author: Sheryl

  • Six Years Ago Part 3

    Six years ago today the gunfire was so loud and so close I thought “they” were hunting us. Six years ago today I lay under a table in the dining hall my arms linked with two former students who were now staff. Six years ago today I watched the tracer bullets fly by the window in both directions, but mostly from East to West.

  • Six Years Ago Part 2

    Six years ago today I could hear the gunfire when I walked out of my bedroom. Six years ago today I went to my classroom to teach my classes for the last time.

  • Six Years Ago Part 1

    Six years ago today my phone rang much too early in the morning. Six years ago today my friend and colleague was calling to tell me she wouldn’t be coming to school today—she thought we were having a coup.

  • Finding Part of Me Again

    This weekend one of my former students was in town for a fundraiser.  She served two years in Uganda with a ministry connected to the mission I work with.  This weekend we had a 5k Walk to raise money for Hope Alive! and the foster care system in Colorado. I had the privilege of teaching […]

  • 10 Things I Love that start with R

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 . . . and they all start with R

  • Fly on the Wall Moment

    Setting:  My office Time: Within the last few days Characters: Me, my interns T & H Activity: Me – answering e-mails; T & H scrapbooking T:  What part of speech is the word crazy in the sentence, “She is crazy.” Me:  Well, my first thought is adjective, but that’s not right. T: It’s an adjective […]

  • She, in the Mirror, who Stares Back

    She, in the mirror, who stares back is unkind today.  Nothing reflected pleases her.  This shirt is too short.  That shirt is too tight.  This color is wrong.  This lock of hair is nonconformist.  The body she sees?  Not so fond of it at the moment. “Why are some days like this?” the reflected one […]

  • Operation Organization

    The last letter in my Meyer’s-Briggs’ is a P . . . I pile things. J’s file; P’s pile. I excel in my pile-it-ing skills.

  • The Most Important Day?

    Real Simple is sponsoring an essay contest.  The subject: The Most Important Day of My Life.  I doubt I’ll enter the contest, but the subject did get my brain whirring a bit. My most important day . . . the day I decided I started kindergarten? Education is important.  The day I graduated from college?  […]

  • My Now List

    What I am listening to right now: The sound of the fan on my computer . . . my roommate (just for this week and last), Laura,  talking on the phone to her boyfriend . . . some static/electronic/music coming from somewhere. What computer I am using right now: My Dell Latitude D610.  I love […]