Real Simple is sponsoring an essay contest. The subject: The Most Important Day of My Life. I doubt I’ll enter the contest, but the subject did get my brain whirring a bit.
My most important day . . . the day I decided I started kindergarten? Education is important. The day I graduated from college? The day I got on the plane to leave for Africa? The day I got off the plane in Africa? The day my class and I gave our first yearbook to the publisher? The day I became an aunt? The day I got to hand out Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes? The day I started in my new position in Colorado? The day I chose to change my eternity? The day I bought my house? The day I evacuated in the middle of a war? I don’t know.  I don’t have the regular milestones that many people might identify as their most important days—a marriage proposal, a wedding, the birth of a child.
I can’t say that my life has one outstanding day that defines the rest of my days. Rather, I feel like my blessing has been to experience many extraordinary days.
photo courtesy of Geri-Jean Blanchard