The Tank Conundrum
I have a problem. I’m an introvert (Myers-Briggs has confirmed it) and I love people. This creates interesting dilemmas in my life.
Pieces of Me at Home
Tears of joy mingled with salty homesickness as we linked arms, sat, and listened to the speaker. I was home and yet so far from home.
Facebook, Yearbook . . . Connect!
I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow during the last few months I reconnected with a guy from my high school graduating class.
If I Were a Rich (Wo)Man . . .
I’m always on the lookout for the perfect thing to give to someone I love. It’s not that I’m such a shop-a-holic. I enjoy it, but I can go without it for a long time. I can also spend hours looking without buying anything.
I Want a Do-Over
My birthday was Wednesday, but I’m going to celebrate it another day. I’m not sure what day it will be, but it will be better than Wednesday was.
New Love
I thought it was true. Now I know it is. I love going to NHL games.