SoCal Blizzard

socal blizzard

Snow in Southern California is something of a rarity.  My brother found some this week.  He’s quite talented that brother of mine.  Not only can he find snow in Pasadena, he takes great pictures of it.  If you’re visually intelligent, you’ll want to check out his work.  If you want to see the blizzard displayed better go to

photo courtesy of Theof.

3 responses to “SoCal Blizzard”

  1. Actually, that very mountain does indeed get some snow every now and then…it’s just that it mainly sprinkles the very top part of the mountain, not the whole thing. And now I really miss Pasadena (since all the Rose Bowl stuff didn’t already make me miss it!!). I miss the rugged mountains of CA vs. the green, rolling “mountains” here in north GA. Colorado mountains would do nicely as well! 🙂

  2. Changed the picture to my brother’s picture in case anyone wonders why Kathleen’s comment doesn’t really make a lot of sense!

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