
glasses on calendarI’ve never been really good at New Year’s resolutions.  I either make a list of a very few things that are ridiculously unattainable or so many things that I’d have to become independently wealthy so I could quit my job, and spend all my time accomplishing the “attainable” goals.  This year I decided I wasn’t going to do either.  No resolutions.

I thought about resolving to take a picture every day.  I thought about pledging to lose a certain amount of weight.  I was going to resolve to journal every day.  I want to do all those things and more.

I’m not going to make any hard and fast rules for myself right now.  I don’t know if I can take a picture every day.  I might.  I need to learn to use my new camera; taking a picture almost every day is going to be just as good as taking one every day.  I need to lose weight; I’ll work on it most days.  I can’t be a slave to the numbers.  I’m sure I’ll get back to regular journaling when I need to.

I’m going to keep doing what I need to do.  I’m going to try new things.  I’m going to do some of them regularly.  Others will fall by the wayside.  I’ll celebrate some accomplishments and mourn other failures.  I’m resolute in not making New Year’s resolutions.

Have you made any New Years’ resolutions?  Is it something you do regularly or something you’re trying this year?

photo courtesy of Zela

10 responses to “Resolute”

  1. i’m with you, sheryl. i always dread thinking about “resolutions.” must be my fear of failure…haha. i’ve had some goals i’ve been working toward the past few months already, so i’ll just keep doin’ what i’m doin’. happy new year!

  2. Mike teases me since I used to make very lofty ones that tended to come to be. While I have some this year, they are simple. I want to cherish each moment with my little family, work on loving them in the simple moments of life, and make memories to reflect on with gratitude. I will take each moment/each opportunity as it comes.

  3. Good point, Rikki. I think fear of failure really does get in the way of making resolutions—or goals. Congrats on progress made towards your goals. Happy New Year!

    Those sound like great resolutions, Tirzah! I have a feeling you’ll succeed with flying colors.

  4. I did my anti-new years resolution list for 2009 and then to kickoff 2011 I am doing One Word with Alece (you should get a package with a card in the mail soon 🙂

  5. I resolved not to make annual resolutions a few years back and since then, I have had a 100% success rate!

    Must add that I do like the word ‘resolve’ particularly when it is used as a noun and especially when Tony Blair would say it (quite frequently, actually). Love that you titled this “resolute” — also an excellent word which is not used often enough in my view. Touché Sheryl.

  6. Jenny! I’m doing the one word, too. It’s coming on Thursday. 🙂

    Thanks for the heads up on the package. Just before Christmas I thought, “I never got a package from Jenny.” Followed by, “I’ll bet life was too hectic for her in the last few months.” Happy New Year, Friend!

    Shelley–I think I’m going to follow your excellent example in this. I almost entitled this post “Resolve.” I, too, thought, “resolute” was an under used word. 🙂 I also thought that “resolve” sounded kind of like a proposition for a debate.

  7. My only “resolution” this year is to try something new each month. Whether it be a new recipe, taking a new class, or going on a new adventure, I want to expand my horizons and my experiences. And Sheryl, you are welcome to join me anytime. 🙂

  8. Good ideas, I haven’t really made resolutions since college when I made them at the start of the school year. I don’t even know what I would pick as I don’t usually get a handle on my year til July… 🙂

  9. That is one invitation I’ll gladly accept! Let me know what’s on the agenda, and if I can make it work with my schedule, I’ll be there!

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