One Word for 2012

It’s that time of year again.  Time to  choose a word for the year.  Last year it seemed pretty easy.  This year is a different story.

The idea is to ask God to impress one word on your heart–a theme for the year.  Last year’s word was “persevere.”  I knew from the moment the ball dropped in Times’ Square 2011 was going to be a year that required keeping at it.  I knew there were so many areas of my life that I needed to just keep going in, putting one foot in front of the other (so to speak, since I couldn’t walk at this time last year).  It was the perfect word for 2011.

I persevered through learning to walk again not once but twice.  I pushed on through recovering from 5 surgeries.  I persevered through some challenging situations with finances, with day to day life, with ministry.  Family illness and surgeries added a few more surpirses, a few more trips, and a few more opportunities to persevere.

Persevere was the perfect word for 2011.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve asked God repeatedly what my word for 2012 is.  In the face of silence, I’ve suggested a few.  “How about ‘rest’, Lord?”  That seemed like a really good one.  “No, not ‘rest.”  So what about ‘joy’ . . . ‘security’ . . . ‘adventure’ . . . ‘beach’ . . . ‘friendship’?”  Nothing.  “How about two words, Abba—‘love’ and ‘marriage’ ?  They go together like a horse and carriage!”  “You’re right . . . I’d wonder all year if I’d heard you correctly on those.”   When I just said, “OK, Lord.  You tell me.”  He was pretty silent.

I’m not sure if that means “persevere” continues to be my word for 2012 or if I just don’t need to know my word yet.  In either case, I’m going to keep persevering in 2012.  If God gives me a new word for the year, I’ll let you know.

In the meantime, I’m about ready to jump back into the thick of ministry–sore throat, runny nose and all.  If everything goes as planned, this year holds a lot of travel, some big steps of new programs that make me wonder if I’m stepping out in faith or stupidity, and resolve to keep finding creative and restorative outlets.

What’s your word for 2012?  What are you going to keep doing from 2011?

photo courtesy of Calamity Meg on Flickr Creative Commons.
I’m joining in Faith Barista’s Thursday Jam again this week.  Go on over and see what others have decided is their word for 2012.

13 responses to “One Word for 2012”

  1. I’ve just decided to have a word for 2012 and it is “trust” My plan is to trust in the Lord with my whole heart, about everything in my life. Easy words, not easy to live. However since God is God, it’s not hard for him. Since He is my God, He brings me great joy just by Him wanting to have a relationship with me. Right now I’m typing this and smiling a whole lot!

  2. Hello Sheryl, Dropping over from the Faith Barista Jam! God surprised me with His choice of words for me this year, but Persevering…that is a good word, requiring patience, faithfulness and steadfast endurance. I think two years could be squeezed out of that one! Smiling. Nice to meet you! In HIs Grace, Dawn

  3. I understand, not hearing anything specific for this year. I haven’t either yet, so I am continuing my word from last year.

  4. Thanks for the invitation to consider this. I like it much better than making a list of resolutions. I suppose “persevere” is a good word for any year! Last year, my word was “resolve”. Upon reflection after reading this post and realizing I didn’t have a word yet either, I think that my word for 2012 is “listen”.

  5. Persevere may not sound glamorous or fun, but it is SO biblical and so God-honoring. I pray that the rewards of your perseverance will be felt in satisfaction with all God is for you. Your choice encourages me.

  6. So good…. Loved your conversation with our Dearest Father… “Restorative outlets” made me think of the word “restore”…. To rebuild, reclaim… in any area of our lives that needs restoring… Your post also made me think how my earlier words “hang in there” (fb) paralleled “persevere”–unbeknownst to me as I wrote, but definitely known by Him…. Hugs!-Lisa

  7. I’d vote for the word “listen”…… To others, to your body, but most importantly to carve out space in your life to listen to God – who loves you extravagantly!

  8. Hmm…persevere could have been my word for last year too. I didn’t actually pick a word at the beginning of 2011, but I realized through all the trials He brought my way that blessing was the best word for 2011, because I learned that blessings really do come through rain drops. My word this year is joy – finding my joy in Him and counting it ALL joy because of what He has already blessed me with. Bless you this year!

  9. Dearest Soul, thanks for your honesty here. I will pray with you about your word for the year. And I will pray you’ll get to come to Waldersbach, too!!:) or maybe we’ll finally meet up in Hungary… Missing you.

  10. Hey Sheryl! (sigh) how nice it is to start of the new year together, sharing our one words. It does sound like God is continuing to call you to persevere in creative and restorative outlets and you step into ministry again. You’ve got something different to take with you back as you dive in. May you wade in knowing we support you here!

  11. Wow! Take the weekend off and lots of people stop by and comment!

    Kristine–it is rather mind blowing, isn’t it? I think part of the problem is I’m so finite; it’s hard to imagine an infinite being who can readily pay such close attention to so much.

    Jenny – you are anything but a crazy woman–in spite of the fact that you married an American! Hee. 🙂 I have this great mental picture of you running around showing everyone that verse. I love it!

    Debbie – SO amazing. Thanks for stopping by; I promise I’ll get over to read your post soon.

    Bonnie – I do so love being back in the Jam. Thank you for providing a cyber place of such love, support, and faith.

  12. I love the honesty behind this post!

    It’s amazing to me that we know EXACTLY the difference between our thoughts and our Lord’s words.

    My word for 2012 is patience. I have always been really an all-or-nothing/perfectionist/type-a/go-getter.

    This year I am waiting. I am patient.

    (it might also help me with my rambunctious toddler and baby-to-be!)

  13. Thanks for stopping by, Kaitlin! Thanks for the compliment on my honesty. I feel like if I’m going to write, I need to be honest. Sometimes I can’t give full disclosure because it’s not all about me, but when it is all about me, I don’t feel like there’s any other choice. Who wants to read partial truth? When I’m fishing, it’s never difficult to tell the difference between God’s thoughts and mine. In those cases, they don’t usually match! It’s pretty amazing how the Holy Spirit tunes our thoughts when we let him. I think patience is a great word. I can imagine you’re going to need a good dose every day with a new born (soon enough) and a toddler! That’s a tall order for any woman!

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