Leaving on a Jet Plane

Jet plane across the sky

I leave for Austria, Hungary and Spain tomorrow.  I’m helping with an education conference for missionaries in Western Europe and the former Soviet Union who aren’t using MK or international schools to educate their children.  I have a session with the adults and the rest of my time will be spent in the teen program.  The conference is in Hungary, just over the Austrian border.  After the conference I’m going to Madrid for a debrief and a family visit.  Should be fun.  I know I’ll be glad I’m there . . . it’s just the getting there part, actually the part between when I leave the office and when I check in that seems un-doable right now.  Sigh.

I may be able to update while I’m gone.  If I can’t, I’ll see you in a few weeks!

photo courtesy of Wynand van Niekirk

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