Get Well Wishes

I know I’ve been absent for a very, very, very long time.  More on most of that later.  My absence over the last week can be attributed to my presence in the hospital.  Two surgeries, lots of antibiotics, a ton of TLC from the hospital staff and my friends later, I’m out and writing again.

One of the best doses of medicine I received this week was from my nephews and my brother.  It’s so good, I can’t keep it from you.  I hope you enjoy it almost as much as I do.

6 responses to “Get Well Wishes”

  1. You are back!! Hurray!!! How I have missed you, My Friend. And I have been praying MUCH for you. Hugs from afar….

  2. Soul!! I love this video. The boys look SO MUCH like T!! I bet it made you smile for days! I’m praying for you!

  3. They did a great job with it, didn’t they? And yes—the genes are strong. 🙂 I have the best family!!! Thanks for praying. I need it and God is definitely at work.

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