Diving In

divingI never learned the art of diving into the water.  I’m pretty sure reading Joni Eareckson Tada’s biography as a 6th grader had something to do with it, but I’m not sure what else.  I get the mechanics of diving.  I can probably even tell someone else how to attempt a good dive, and of course I’ve watched enough Olympics to be a poolside judge in any diving competition.

Thankfully my fears of plunging headlong into the water haven’t translated into most of the rest of my life.  Sometimes I need to scope out the situation–ask questions abouut the possible dangers hidden beneath the glistening waters, test the temperature, gather information about the way the wind blows.  Most of the time, though, I’m pretty good at just launching into what’s next.

The ability to dive into life often serves me well.  It allows me to be friendly towards so many new people every year.  (Don’t tell them . . . but I really don’t like the process of meeting people.)  It allows me to try new ideas.  It allows me to pick up the pieces when the ideas fail or to give credit where it’s due when they succeed.  It allows me to travel to new places where anything that’s written or spoken bears no resemblance to anything I write or speak.  It allows me to make my pinterest boards be more than pretty pictures and my blog to have more entries.  It allows me to let so many people take up space in my heart every year.

I may not always lead with my head, but diving into life with my heart first isn’t such a bad way to live.


Five Minute Friday

10 responses to “Diving In”

  1. I read Joni’s book about that same time and yup, that’ll keep you from going head first for sure. Being able to dive in with your heart can serve you well when your heart is seeking Him. Loved hearing about how yours is doing that.

  2. I can totally relate about not liking the process of meeting people! Diving in with heart first is risky, but the rewards are oh so sweet! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Alia Joy, Claire, and Emily–thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know you were here. I think that’s one of the best parts of 5 Minute Fridays. The writing is great, and the community is wonderful.

    Alia Joy–I’m glad I’m not the only one who had that reaction to her book!
    Claire–Glad to meet a fellow leaper!
    Emily–Another way I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’m usually so glad I’ve met someone. I’m just not thrilled about the first parts, too.

  4. Dear Soul, I remember very well how surprised I was by the way you just dove right into our friendship. I’ve never once been sorry you did! Thanks.

  5. Diving in is good I’m learning, bc life is too short to sit on the side lines.
    And I’m glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t like the process of meeting people 🙂

  6. Soul, I admit I don’t remember a ton about the beginnings of our friendship except it was speech class, I felt like I needed a friend in there, and you were lovely. And then you used me for a Christmas tree. 🙂 I’m so glad we’ve gone far beyond Speech 101! ‘ugs to you!

  7. Good point, Alecia! Life is too short to sideline yourself. It’s fun to see others who aren’t fans of the meeting people process. 🙂 I think blog hopping is a great way to preempt that. Thanks for stopping by!

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