BFA CampusGermany covered in fresh snow is beautiful!  I can’t say I really enjoy walking in the stuff, but thankfully we drove most places today while it was coming down.  I only had to slip and slide a little bit.

I had a fun time walking around the school and meeting people today.  I got to see the future site of the library—it will be pretty amazing when it’s finished.   (Edit–it’s finished; it’s the top floor of the shiny roofed building.) The best parts of the day were definitely hanging out with people—breakfast with Calvin and Joan, lunch with Chris and Chrissy, going to the eiscafe with Charity and Sean, and getting to meet Fiona.  A lovely day indeed!  And for those of you who don’t know who any of these people are . . . well, you’re missing out!

The word on the street is that there’s a big snowstorm blowing in tonight . . . we’ll see!  I could do without a snowstorm, but it does make everything look freshly stunning.

photo courtesy of BFA’s website

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