Pieces of Me at Home
Tears of joy mingled with salty homesickness as we linked arms, sat, and listened to the speaker. I was home and yet so far from home.
Living Now
My new resolve: live in the now and enjoy the grace of what is.
Leaving on a Jet Plane
I’m helping with an education conference for missionaries in Western Europe and the former Soviet Union who aren’t using MK or international schools to educate their children.
25 Things You Never Knew You Wanted to Know
6. My go-to drink at Starbucks is a non-fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte. 15. I love hanging out with my nephews. I’ll even do puzzles and play MarioKart with them. I hate puzzles and I inhale violently at most video games.
Insurance Insanity
I think I have a clue why the health insurance industry is having a few problems.
B Something
I’m more deficient than we thought. Well, my blood is.
A Loose Grasp of the Obvious
When I got home from my three weeks in California, I wanted a piece of toast, some peanutbutter, and a glass of milk before I went to bed. I was thwarted every time I pushed the lever down to toast the bread. Every time. Now, my toaster isn’t the world’s most efficient piece of machinery. […]
Not Enough Words
The whole thing took almost 3 hours. By the time I walked out the door, none of us were terribly happy.
10 Favorites from 2008
A friend asked these questions. Now you all get to see the answers. Lucky you.