Headline Worthy

The Bluenose II Schooner 2In the corners of the blogosphere I visit when I have time, there’s a hearty discussion ping-ponging around about Abby Sunderland the 16 year old who attempted sailing around the world solo.  The discussions center on parental responsibilities, maturity, foolhardiness and bravery.

Without weighing in too heavily on the major topics, I am impressed with Abby’s skill and the relative maturity I’m fairly certain she possesses to even attempt this feat.  It’s a much more complicated feat than I would ever attempt with a full crew.

The brouhaha surrounding her attempt, her disappearance and her rescue certainly deserved a few headlines and the ensuing discussions.  If my child were lost at sea, I’d want people to take notice.

But here’s the thing—there are so many other notable things that teenagers do that receive no recognition.  Yes, a solo voyage around the world for a 16 year old is noteworthy, but what of a group of high school students who change not only the world but also eternity?

I’ll bet most of you haven’t heard of a group of international high school students living in Dakar, Senegal who are changing the world.  A few times each year these students leave the city and visit villages within a few hours drive to share their time, talents, and treasures to make a difference.

This is a video of  some of their recent efforts.  It was put together by one of the teachers at Dakar Academy.  Don’t panic when you see how long it is!  It’s an engaging look at a weekend of headline worthy work and people.

photo courtesy of sue_r_b

9 responses to “Headline Worthy”

  1. That was really cool! You should tell the kids there if you get to see them that It was really encouraging to see their work and passion and that they have my prayers.It’s motivated me for this summer. =)

  2. I’m glad you liked it, Allie! I’ll see some of the adults who were responsible for making it happen. I’ll be sure to let them know! Now I’m super excited to hear about your summer!

  3. And sometimes we adults who work at Dakar Academy are privileged enough to go along on these weekends!! These kids are even more amazing in person, in every way!! They not only change the world and eternity, they change US!!

  4. Thanks for a great perspective, Judy! It’s true—we are changed when we hang out with amazing people.

  5. AWESOME! So good to put things in perspective… spend so much time looking at the sensational, and so little on the eternal… great reminder!

  6. Thanks for sharing this Soul. It made me cry. Praise God for what He is doing in Africa!! Makes me want to go.

  7. Soul! How cool would it be for you guys to take a group down to work with the kids at DA on an outreach?!?! They usually schedule them for November and January. You should contact Evan!!!

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