There I am. An INFP to the max.
Meyers-Briggs and My Calendar
In case you’re new to reading here, there’s something you need to know about me. It’s all important, because it’s fairly defining.
Push-Me-Pull-You: Personalty and Faith
In many ways my faith provides both the security I need to accept myself and the kick I need to move beyond myself.
25 Things You Never Knew You Wanted to Know
6. My go-to drink at Starbucks is a non-fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte. 15. I love hanging out with my nephews. I’ll even do puzzles and play MarioKart with them. I hate puzzles and I inhale violently at most video games.
My Room as a Mirror
My closets and my dresser have the flu. It seemed that while I was sleeping they regurgitated their contents.