Step by Step

climbing in red rocks silhouette

climbing in red rocks silhouettePrecarious.  That’s how it feels.  I don’t particularly like being on the precipice wondering if the next step is solid or fatal.

Really–I’m not so good with it.  My eyes tear up to the point of obliterating vision.  My nose drips.  My stomach relocates.  My mind fuzzes.  Some days my whole body reacts to stepping out in faith.

That’s where I am today–leaky eyes, snotty nose, demanding hunger snarled up in my throat, blank brain.  Today I feel pummeled on a few different fronts.  Finances always freak me out, but this last round of health challenges pushes me.  Moments of stress are followed by days of acceptance, but those moments pack a punch!

Another wallop came unexpectedly today when a colleague asked if I’d found any extraordinarily useful articles on being a single and a missionary.  (No, I haven’t–but that’s another rant –I mean, another post.)  I’m not sure why that request knocked me today, but it did.  As I wrote out my two cents on the subject, I finally articulated one of the mainstays of my faith walk–it’s a step by step, day by day thing.

I trust God today to give me the resources I need for today.  It doesn’t matter if they’re emotional, financial, physical, or spiritual.  God is the one who provides.  My job is to be a good steward of what I have today.  Tomorrow will turn into today, and I need to continue to be wise with what he gives me then.  I can’t stress over next Tuesday–well, at least until I get there.  Deciding to trust him is a daily choice; at times it’s a momentary one.

I have the money I need today.  I don’t have to be concerned with anyone else being affected by my scheduling, cooking, or bed hogging choices today.  Today I have to trust God.  I have to trust that he knows what I need in every part of my life.  I have to trust him when he says he is Jehovah Jireh–the God who provides.  He provides what I need.  He sometimes provides what I want.  Other times he provides what I didn’t know I wanted but desperately do.

God is good.  Step by step I choose to let him lead me along today’s precipice.  After all, his vision is perfect, his feet are sure, and he doesn’t have to contend with snot.

Where are you taking it one step at a time with God?

 photo courtesy of  lastbeats via Flickr Creative Commons


I’m jamming with the FaithBarista today over on her site. Everybody’s answering the question, “How is God currently calling you to walk by faith?” Check it out here.

6 responses to “Step by Step”

  1. Amen! I’m sorry it has been hard. Sometimes life sucks, and when you are alone in the world (as in no mate), it can particularly suck. Making decisions alone. Facing challenges alone, Even eating alone. And sometimes it isn’t enough to know that God is taking care of things. At least that is the way it is for me. I simply want flesh and bone there. But the TRUTH is God is there. All the time. In the middle of the night. When you walk into an empty house. When you have to figure out how you should spend your money. He is there. And He always seems to come through. Hang in there. Or as I say to the appointees, “Keep swimming.” 🙂

  2. I’m swimming, Linda! It’s true, some days are harder than others–no matter what the challenge. It’s also true that God never leaves. It’s a good truth to cling to.

    Thanks, Tirzah!

  3. I love you Soul. A lot and a lot and a lot.
    And I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and praying for you.
    And I wish I could make it all better. But I can’t.
    So there. May Jesus’ love wash over and refresh you, deep down today.

  4. Love you, too, Soul. Thanks for praying for me–that’s as all better as anyone can make it. Big ‘ugs to you! (Who knew we invented an Australian shoe brand way back when?!?!)

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