Simple Pleasurey Stuff

The StormI’m not very complicated in a high maintenance kind of way . . . or at least that’s what I’d like to think.  Those of you who know me really well are free to straighten out the record if it needs it.  I know there are places I have strong preferences—like dark chocolate over any other kind of stuff that purports to be chocolate, my pizza NY style in crust, flavor–and slice.  I’ll eat it if it’s cut Chicago style, but I’ll think, “This is the strangest way to eat a good pizza.”

Wondering if I’m high maintenance made me start to consider simple pleasures.  I have a few.  At least they seem fairly simple in my mind.  I know some of them are simple here in the USA, but not so simple in other places—and vice versa.  I’m in a bit of a listy mood, so I thought I’d list some of the things I consider simple pleasures.

1. A good cup of coffee.  Strong but not bitter, with cream/half and half.  (I love heavy/whipping cream in my coffee–but it also likes to hang around my body  . . . really my hips . . . longer than I would like.  With my first sip of a good cup of coffee in the morning I can feel my brain relax and decide that morning isn’t as heinous as I thought it was.

2. A long hot shower.  Hot enough to chase away the chills but not to make my whole body red; steamy enough to clear out my sinuses and keep me warm after I turn off the water;  long enough to get clean and let God put a song in my mind for the day—that’s a good shower.  Sometimes it doesn’t take too long, but other times it takes much longer.

3. Rain on the roof . . . especially if that roof is tin. Rain slapping against banana leaves is a nice accompaniment to rain on a tin roof. Both of these are  hard to come by in Colorado.  I think it’s a great sadness that it’s hard to know it’s raining when you’re indoors.  I’m thankful I have skylights that allow me to hear the rain pinging on them.  Hearing rain on the roof is one of the best ways to fall asleep.

4. Squirt whipped cream.  Really.  It’s fun and tasty.  Sure it deflates quickly, but that’s just one more reason for a squirt of it.

5. Sitting still with a sleeping baby.  This doesn’t happen often in my life, but when it does . . . ahhhhhhhhhh.  A few summers ago during my Jr. High/High School Week we had a toddler in the group.  (Long but not uncommon story).  One afternoon he was fighting his body’s desire for a nap.  I just held him while I helped the older kids sew their pillows.  It didn’t take too long for him to conk out.  There I was with this warm little body soundly sleeping and snuggled up against me.  I was anchored to my chair so he could sleep. When my youngest nephew was a few months old, we both took a nap with him snuggled up on my chest.  Lovely memories!  I highly recommend borrowing a napping baby once in a while.

6.  A Sunday afternoon nap.  Sure, if you don’t set an alarm sleeping Sunday night may be difficult, but it’s worth it.  A Sunday afternoon nap is luxurious and restorative all at the same time.  Try one next week.  Really.  You can come back and thank me Sunday evening.

7. Orderly things.  I have such a hard time making things be in order and keeping them that way, but oh how I love it!  Visual order (without being unduly sparse) gives me rest in ways I never anticipated.

8. Reading a well written story, be it history or fiction.  I love a good story!  Great characters, well chosen words, imagination, and stranger than fiction realities all add up to a good story.  I love history and see no reason there’s so much of it that’s dryly written.  Style preferences aside, there’s no reason for poorly written fiction.

9. Time with friends and family.  Obvious, I know, but it needs to be on the list.  In person is best, but phone and skype are good almosts most of the time.  I just have to remember that the phone works both ways.

10.    A great deal on something you needed to buy.  Once in a while you need something. Really, I know I should know better, but I’m still shocked and miffed when things break down or quit.  When that happens, I steel myself.  I research and find the best price possible.  I’m always thrilled when I can find it for significantly less than the norm. I love a bargain!

There are so many more like the smell of fresh laundry from the dryer vent and a Tuesday present and watching someone’s face as they open the perfect present and clean sheets and . . . well, I could go on for quite a while.  Now it’s your turn.

What are some of your simple pleasurey things?

photo courtesy of Robert Terrell

12 responses to “Simple Pleasurey Stuff”

  1. I thought of you last night as it was pouring rain…wishing I could have sent it to you with a tin roof!

    My simple pleasures at this stage:

    1. Waking up slowly – enjoying breakfast with Sarah, staying in our PJs till 10am most days
    2. My shower “vacation” each morning. That’s what it feels like. No one needs me. I can relax. Get a water massage. Refresh. Face the day.
    3. A good long session of laps at the pool
    4. Lubar support in my seat in the van
    5. A clean house – this happens less than you may think but it is wonderful when it does
    6. Girl time.
    7. Cooking and/or baking – particularly for other people
    8. A good deal – saving 40%+ on groceries, finding a swetarer I’ve been eyeing for 90% off, the thrill of the hunt on eBay. Saving money in general but not settling for less than the best.
    9. Editing. I love it. I miss it. It makes me happy.
    10. Watching Sarah sleep.

  2. Great list, Tirzah! I love that we have some similarities in our lists–no wonder we’re friends! I totally missed any sound from the weather this morning/last night. It looks like it was a soggy snow, so maybe it was silent as well.

  3. Oh, I love your list!!

    Here are a few of mine:
    1. Summer evenings. The lighting, the warmth, the carefree-ness of it all. It’s may favorite time of day during my favorite season of the year.

    2. Warm oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Hands down, my favorite.

    3. Waking up to a clean kitchen. There is something about a clean kitchen that starts my day off right. If it’s dirty, I just want to crawl back into bed and hire a maid.

    4. Drinking coffee with my mom on her back porch in the mornings.

    5. The anticipation of seeing someone you love…or have a crush on. 🙂

    6. Wearing my favorite outfit. It just makes me feel good.

    7. Really good hair days. These make really bad hair days seem a little less traumatizing.

    8. Like you, Sheryl, holding a baby while he or she sleeps. There is nothing more precious than this.

    9. Taking a really good picture. I love capturing a moment forever.

    10. Having someone you adore sit next to you at church. This makes my morning, for sure!

  4. Another lovely, list, Sarah! I’m with you on a few of these—especially#3, 5 and 9. They need to be added to my list. And your #10? It was going to be my #11.

  5. Hmmmm.
    1. I like coffee.
    2. I like snuggling into bed at night. It’s so delicious to finally be horizontal. I especially like it if I’m there early enough to do a little reading. I love reading in bed.
    3. I love reading to my kids too. Reading some great children’s classic and reliving it as I share it with them is the best. We do that a lot at meal time these days.
    4. Spring flowers. Planting them, sometimes in the fall, and then the anticipation of watching them sprout, grow and bloom.
    5. Autumn colors. Autumn is my favorite season, ever since Wheaton.
    6. Snuggling with my cat.
    7. Singing in a round as a family to say thanks at meal time.
    Those are a few. Thanks for the chance to think this way. Helps my spirits.

  6. Reading in bed is the best! I seem to want to always be horizontal when I read. This isn’t a problem at home, but it’s kind of awkward at the office. Spring flowers are mostly found in the grocery store in this corner of the world. I miss them . . . kind of like I miss you, ‘cept I miss you more.

  7. Dear Sheryl,
    I loved your list. Here are some things that bring me smiles.

    * Sitting on the beach, in a comfortable chair, the waves crashing, eating a piece of fruit, and enjoying a book. Each piece of that situation is part of the perfect picture. Some iced tea would be nice, too!

    *Going for a drive to nowhere, especially if that drive has some beach in it. My brother and I have done that many times, and it’s precious time for me.

    * Baking cookies, especially ones that have chocolate in them. ‘Nuff said.

    * Watching one of my students work on something, and suddenly they say, “Oh!” and their eyes light up, understanding something that was hard. I get up each day, hoping to have that happen!

    * Doing absolutely anything with my sons. Anything. Work, play, lay around……anything.

    * Traveling with my best friend. We laugh, we walk, we share. We live across the country from each other, so it doesn’t happen too often, and I guess that’s part of what makes it precious.

    * Being in church when the music is AWESOME! Sometimes I can hardly breathe…..

    * And I really like to do things I’ve never done, (but nothing that involves snakes or huge bugs.) Adventures, challenges, getting so tired I just fall into bed. Like cooking for some amazing TCKs! Thanks, Sheryl, for sharing your moments with us! I Iove you.

  8. Ginger! I could’ve written quite a bit of your list. The beach, your sons, baking, those light bulb moments—I miss those light bulb moments . . . kind of like I miss you!

  9. Monica and Amy—thanks for stopping by! It’s fun to see others’ lists and think, “Me, too! . . . ohhhhhh not so much me.”

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