. . . Pants on Fire

He has my pants on fireI said I would.  I meant to.  I didn’t.

I intended to post twice last week.  And you may say, “Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire” and technically you’d be right.  But here’s the thing . . . I don’t think I had time to breathe last week.  I certainly didn’t even have time to check my email most days.  I absolutely didn’t have time to update my blog.

It would’ve been smart to have posts waiting to go.  That would’ve required time somewhere in the last few weeks.  The commodity of time has been traded away over the last few months.  I’m hoping to make it up after the craziness of the next few weeks dissapates.

Will I have a post on Thursday?  I hope so.  Check back here and see.  You may be surprised.

photo courtesy of Cosmic Jans

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