After my last post, there were a few suggestions that perhaps it is really change I don’t like and not merely a new arrangement of the furniture. I’d say that’s partially true. I have a strange relationship with change.
I’m not a huge fan of routine. If I had to do the same thing day in and out, I’d shut down. One thing that I loved about teaching was no hour was the same as the one before it. No day was quite like any other. Similarities are good; it’s hard to learn totally new things all the time. The fluctuations that are inherent in my current position is good; I don’t think I would like being here so well if I had to do the same thing every day. It gets hectic at times, but I like that it’s not all the same all the time. I love that I travel at times and get to spend extended times at home. I love that the ever changing parade of faces that come through my office. I love days that don’t go as expected . . . especially when the unexpected is fun.
Even at home I’m loathe to get into too much of a routine. Some days I think, “I’ve gotten up and right into the shower for a few days. Today, it’s breakfast first!” It’s kind of silly, but it’s not routine. So, I don’t necessarily stress out at change, but somehow moving the furniture around distills all the stress of the other changes in my life. I don’t get it. I suppose I don’t have to, but it would help if I could remember that rearranging furniture can send me over the edge.
photo courtesy of Nathan Sudds