Bits and Pieces of Thought

dental toolsDentists must be doing a land office business this week.  The first two blogs I read this morning when I got back from the dentist’s office dealt with trips to the dentist.  Unlike the others, my experience was pretty good.  I think this was the first time in my life that I’ve left a session of professional oral hygiene without crying over the pain in my mouth or the pain in my bank account.  I’m definitely going back to this dentist.

Yesterday was a great creative day at the office.  I spent most of the day working on the scrapbook for the summer.  I love this job!

I leave Friday for Transition Seminar.  I’m excited about a good week with a bunch of adults I respect and enjoy and some of the greatest kids in the world.  I’m not excited about sleeping on a bunk bed encased in plastic.  I suppose there has to be a trade off somewhere.  One of the other trade offs is the lack of technological support.  No computer access and my cell phone only works when I stand at the top of the main buildings outside stairs and lean against the metal door.  It makes me feel like human lightning rod.

Stewart’s Key Lime soda makes my taste buds very happy.

That’s enough randomness for today.

photo courtesy of plex

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