The Highs and Lows

banana splitI’m not sure how much access I’m going to have in the next few weeks.  I’ll be “here” when I can.  I’m on my way to Houghton, NY to help train people going all over the world to work with MKs—my favorite form of TCK.  Hopefully my luggage will catch up with me in the next 24 hours!

Highlights of the last week . . . breakfast with three MKs from Spain; Dairy Queen with two MKs from Rwanda; another trip to DQ with another MK from Spain; seeing improvement in the new missionaries’ introduction speeches; laughing a lot with Tammy (my friend visiting from Czech Republic); having the kids tell me it’s my job to hang out with them NOT to teach the grown-ups; meeting my new boss.

Lowlights of the last week . . . a speeding ticket when I was just keeping up with my group; having my luggage take its own sweet time to catch up with me; not being able to find any of my duffle bags when I started packing; standing at the airport at 1 AM and the hotel having a problem with their phone so there’s no way to tell them that they need to find me and get me back to the hotel.

photo courtesy of Gabriel Fiorini

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