TCKs You Should Know – Kalyn

KalynI work with some of the most amazing people in the world.  I thought it would be great if you could get to know a little about some of them and get a glimpse of their world.  The plan is to regularly introduce you to some TCKs that I know. 

Kalyn is the first TCK you get to meet here.  She graduated from high school last spring (2009) and when her family moved to Southeast Asia in August, she moved with them.  She hasn’t been living the TCK life very long, but there’s no doubt that she has been impacted significantly by her time outside the USA.  Enjoy getting to know Kalyn a little.  If you have any questions for her, I’ll make sure she gets them and gets an answer back to you.

1. How old are you?
I am 18 years old.

2. Where do you live right now?
I live in Southeast Asia.d

3. What other countries have you lived in?
I have lived here, and I have lived in America… good old land of the free!

4. What passport(s) do you hold?
I’ve got an American passport.

5. What do your parents do that makes you a TCK?
Right now, they’re in language school.  Eventually they hope to help people through business development.

6. How old were you when you first moved away from your passport country?

17…. So it really hasn’t been very long!

7. What are some of your favorite things about where you live now?

The friendliness of the Indonesian people, the beautiful part of the earth I live in… a tree hugger’s paradise! Indonesian popsicles, and riding motorbikes everywhere AND KARAOKE!!! Ya gotta love the karaoke.

8. What are a few of your favorite things about anywhere else you’ve lived?

Well, I love the four seasons back in Spokane, Washington, but I’m definitely not missing the snow they have right now! Honestly, I love everything about Spokane; it’s where I grew up, and I could probably think of a million reasons why I love it.

9. What is the most interesting thing you’ve eaten?

Hmmm…. Definitely cow rectum.  I still have yet to try dog.  Sorry to anyone who is reading this that loves dogs…but people love it here.

10. Do you think you have any advantages in life because you’re a TCK?
Yes I do.  I get to experience one of the most amazing things life could ever throw at a person . . . living in another culture!  It is so enriching and interesting; I wouldn’t have traded this opportunity for anything.

11. Do you think you’ve missed out on anything because you’re a TCK?

Well not really– mostly because I spent my whole life so far in Spokane.  Now I’m 18, and I’m on a journey most people only dream of.

12. What are some of your favorite things to eat?
Here? Oh man. Nasi goreng hands down.  That’s Indonesian fried rice…

13. What are some of your favorite things to do?

Karaoke!!!! And riding on the backs of other people’s motorbikes.  I am still too chicken to go very far alone.

14. What pets do you / have you had?
So far just Sadie the wiener dog (she is crazy)… and my two turtles… But they don’t have names.  Actually one of them died…

15. What do you consider the most important sporting event?
Here in Indonesia?  I actually have no clue.  I know that people love soccer and futsal… which is basically indoor soccer, I think… but I don’t really know of any huge events.

16. What schooling options have you used?
I’m nice and graduated by now.  But I do go to language school.  It’s pretty fun actually!

17. What advice do you have for those who are becoming TCKs?

Try to keep an open mind and try to emerge in the culture at the beginning, especially if you are in a place with a lot of other foreigners or you might get caught up in the “white bubble”.   For every goodbye you say there will always be hellos.   Let yourself feel through everything.  Open your heart to God’s will and he will bless you.

18. What advice do you have for parents of TCKs?

 Give your kids room to feel and to express emotions… good and bad. Always keep communication lines open.

19. What else do you want the world to know about you?
I love music.  It’s my God given passion.  I love Arizona Iced Tea and Goldfish crackers. But neither of those exist here in Indonesia.  I would do anything and everything for my family and the people I am close to.  Clean laundry is the greatest smell on the planet.  I love trees…. and even though I’m a TCK I’m a normal kid just like anyone else.

20. What do you plan to do when you finish your education?
Well,  I’ve finished high school.  Right now I am going to language school to learn Indonesian. After that I’m moving to another part of Indonesia  to teach English for a year.  Then I hope to move back to Spokane, start college somewhere… possibly Moody… but I don’t know much more than that.

4 responses to “TCKs You Should Know – Kalyn”

  1. This is really cool idea. It’s fun to learn about other tcks. =) I really can’t imagine eating dog…

  2. I can’t either, Allie! But cow rectum doesn’t sound like much of a delicacy either. However, I am impressed that nothing seems to go to waste!

  3. Love this! Keep ’em coming. Kalyn is wise beyond her years (and experience). What an amazing gal!

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