
silhoutte 1Joy!  It’s all around.  I just have to choose to see it.

I know many used the month of November to enumerate the things they are thankful for.  I didn’t join the group that made their lists public.  I read  Sarah Markley’s blog on a fairly regular basis–it helps that I have it delivered to my in-box!  This month she’s focusing on the simple joys that surround her.  Today I thought I’d join her and add some of my own.

washed laundryJoy #1  Clean clothes.  My washing machine broke 2 days before I had surgery.  In all my internet research it seemed like it was either a simple fix or a complicated one.  Of course, it was the complicated one.  It probably won’t be fixed any time soon.  While I have more clothes than anyone needs, I don’t have an infinite number of pants that fit over my cast.  Saturday I had the opportunity to wash and dry my clothes.  It has been a long time since I appreciated clean clothes quite so much.

Joy #2  Good Doctors and Medicine.  Sure, not being able to walk is annoying, but when I look at my pretty green cast and think about how my doctor put me back together, I find another bit of joy.  When I’ve forgotten to take my medicine, I’m reminded how effective it really is.  I find joy in knowing the pain can be minimized.

nappingJoy #3  Naps–especially Sunday afternoon naps.  There’s nothing quite like a planned nap.  Knowing that the world can wait while I snuggle under the covers and get some sleep in the middle of the day is luxurious.  As much as I love being and doing, not much compares with the deliciousness of a Sunday afternoon nap.  I’m definitely a big fan.

Joy #4  Family.  I know this isn’t a joy for everyone, but it is for me.  I love my family.  The close family—my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephews.  I am delighted that even though we all have our own quirks, we love each other endlessly and would do anything we could for each other.   There’s also the extended family.  I love that my cousin and his family moved across the country to live a few miles down the road from me.  Even though we rarely see each other, it’s comforting to know they’re nearby.

hot chocolate heartJoy #5  Dark chocolate.  The right amount of bitter and sweet in velvety dark chocolate . . . mmmmmm . . . it sets off waves of happiness in both my mouth and parts of my brain.  Trust me.  It is the food epitome of joy.  Be it hot chocolate, candy,  or brownies—the dark kind will ease the parts of your brain you didn’t even know were knotted.

Those are just a few of the joy inducing things in my life at the moment.  What joy do you see around you?

jumping joy photo courtesy of lusi ; laundry photo courtesy of lusi ; napping sign courtesy of CC Chapman ; hot chocolate heart courtesy of K. Tuck

2 responses to “Joy!”

  1. Sorry to hear about your washer! : ( Praying for you extra this week.

    Joy in my life comes from how Sarah’s eyes light up every single time she sees a Christmas tree – as if she has never seen one before! A good long shower; A good yummy breakfast; This time of year – Christmas music; and living life with Mike.

  2. I am thankful that God has given me a sense of humor that allows me to see the funny side of most things That gives me great joy. And I also find joy when others do the same. Like yesterday at church, there you were Sheryl with your mom and dad. All of you were in various states of recovery from illness and/or recent falls – with walkers and canes and your dad looking like he’d been in the worse fight of his life or a train wreck. All of you were laughing and cracking jokes about your conditions, like noting what a wild site the 3 of you will be at the airport in a few days trying to get through security with your various and sundry metal paraphernalia. Certainly your conditions are no laughing matters, but you are taking joy in the journey. That kind of attitude gives me great joy.

    I also get joy from hanging out and wasting time with people I love, good books, movies and food, beautiful sunsets at the beach, and from reading a few blogs by people I adore.

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